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14 jul. 2009


Ya está la gente de Aruba: Loefstok y Ferrier; anoche llegaron Ryan Hardy y Chad Jackson...dicen por ahi que han visto a MS y Hubbard en Explosivos...escuchas en 99.1FM el spot, ves los programas deportivos que le dedican mas de un minuto al bodyboard y lees páginas enteras en los diarios...asi se comienza a vivir el primer mundial de bodyboard en Perú.

Entrevista de PIC a Loefstok; 12 veces campeón de Aruba:

1.JL welcome to Peru, did you surf Chilca already?
Saludos y gracias por la oportunidad PIC, si he tenido la oportunidad de correr a Chilca

2. As 12x Aruba Champ, do you think this is a challenging wave, for the IBA tour?
Well yes I think this is a good wave for a big contest , because it is one of the most consistent spot in Peru. Big barrels and heavy lips are the daily menu of Chilca. It even gets big, like tow in size big.

3. How are the PIC hosts treating you so far?
The PIC organizers are doing everything to make your stay in Peru as smooth as possible . Local bodyboarders helpin out too, shout out to Jorge Saavedra, Jose Luis Ugarte, Jorge Hurtado and Pablo . I have been staying at a house in Playa Arica, near Punta hermosa , paying 10 $ per person. It´s real cheap here too.

4. Did you surf other spots? did you meet other bodyboarders? If so, what do you think about the local riders?
I had the chance to surf San Pedro too, which is an all bodyboard wave,tubular rights. Gets good on the big days. Locals are charging the spots all around, the best action is at Chilca and San Pedro.

5. What do you think about Lima City, what would you recommend for the coming riders?
Lima´s coast is filled with spots all around, but the best quality spot for bodyboarding is Chilca , the biggest best and most consistent of Peru so far. It´s a little secluded , rumors has it that there´s been UFO´s sitings all around the Chilca area . If you stay in Miraflores area it will be at least an hour or more to get to Chilca , suggested you stay a little south of lima,then it´s a shorter ride everyday to Chilca.
If you´re plannin on renting a car it best be a 4x4 for the ride on the beach to Chilca.
For the rest Peru is a great place nice people. Just come and enjoy the experience. Peace

Thanks for answering and good luck in this first PIC. Regards.

Tony tiene una casa. En Punta Hermosa. Exactamente frente a El Paso, a 2 minutos de playa Norte. Amigo turista, si vienes al PIC, esta es una buena opción: buenos precios y hartos servicios pero sobre todo; buenas olas frente a tu casa.


Mientras tanto, los locales van entrenando;

Miguel Rodriguez, campeón nacional 2009, categoría sub 18

Coflita, Fernando Pareja:

Piero Varda está actualizando su Picasa, pueden darle una mirada aquí:

Al sur del Perú; Ilo !

Norte Chico tiene lo suyo.

Ni que decir del norte cholo.

Sobre todo Panic Point. Foto de la última crecida.

Y sabes donde lo ves? ...pues aquí:

La gente esperó pacientemente por el video de la 6ta Fecha en Explosivos. Lo prometido es deuda.

CPB2009: 6ta Fecha Xplosivos - Bodyboard Peru from Ernesto Guevara on Vimeo.

Mañana arrancan las actividades del Peruvian Inka Challenge. Nos vemos ahi.